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Airiz Day use
Tiens Group has always provided good-quality products to global consumers, and has made strategic alliance with many first-class enterprises in the world. The innovative AIRIZ sanitary napkin is popular in the world, enabling women to have top-quality life with health, happiness, beauty and wealth.

AIRIZ active oxygen & negative ion soft cotton sanitary napkin (Day use & Night use) With silk-thin soft cotton surface layer, it is comfortable, sanitary, absorbent and breathable. In addition, it has professionally designed flow layer, and active oxygen & negative ion chips, which have such roles as preventing gynecologic diseases, adjusting blood circulation, enhancing immunity, sterilizing and eliminating odor. Ultrathin design as well as powerful water absorption and water locking make you feel more comfortable and refreshed.
Menstrual period can be divided into three stages, and women can use different sizes of sanitary napkins accordingly. When the amount of menstrual blood is large, you can use the sanitary napkin with wings in daytime and the sanitary napkin (night use) at night; you can use standard sanitary napkin when the amount of menstrual blood is not very large; and you can use ultrathin sanitary napkin or panty liner before and after menstrual period. Such portfolio is not only safe and comfortable, but also saves the expense in menstrual period.

Feminine health self-examination card as a detached gift 

The card is used to check product effect (by comparing before-use and after-use situation) and examine genitals, being the health self-examination card produced with the latest technology. You only need to dip the secretion at vaginal orifice with the test point on the card and compare the color with color chart when the test point changes color in 30 seconds.

"AiRiZ" feminine health self-examination card gives you more care and makes you health


  1. If anybody interested to buy these product just ask me on comment how to buy online or how to use these product just leave a comment and I will let you know about these product And the procedure how to buy online ... All the product are 100% guaranteed.


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