Our daily supply of fruit, vegetables, rice, meat and seafood are loaded with pesticides, chemical fertilizers, hormone residues and other hazardous substances. Undetectable in the short term, these substances will nonetheless weaken our bo dy in the long term, and the deleterious effects may even be passed down to the next generation. The smell of formaldehyde in a refurbished home, bacterial growth in cutlery, milk bottles, toys, bras and underwears etc. all serve to undermine our health. Question is, what can we do to improve it? Natural bactericidal agent Ozone(O3) is a potent natural oxidizing agent. It can kill bacteria, viruses and other micro-organisms via oxidation that destroys their membrane structure. Dissolved ozone is even more potent. Water, food and utensils treated with ozone are absolutely devoid of harmful organisms. Its bactericidal power is more superior than other sterilizing agents. Tiens Fruit & Vegetable Cleaner, its unique formula and hi-tech produ...
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