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Showing posts from January 29, 2016

World Education Report

The World Education Information Report’s focus on education as a basic human right is a fitting choice for the International Year for the Culture of Peace. Education is one of the principal means to build the‘defenses of peace’ in the minds of men and women everywhere – the mission assumed by UNESCO when the Organ- ization was created more than half a century ago. The twentieth century saw human rights accepted worldwide as a guiding principle. Our ambition for the new century must be to see human rights fully implemented in practice.       This is therefore a good moment for the inter- national community to reflect on its understand- ing of, and commitment to, the right to edu- cation. Education is both a human right and a vital means of promoting peace and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms gener- ally. If its potential to contribute towards build- ing a more peaceful world is to be realized, edu- cation must be made universally available an e...