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Showing posts from January 14, 2020

F-35 logistics system to be reinvented and renamed, official says

The computer-based logistics system of the F-35 stealth fighter jet made by Lockheed Martin , which has been plagued by delays, will be replaced by another network made by the same company, a Pentagon official said on Tuesday. from Reuters: World News

Trump says Apple refusing to unlock phones used by 'killers, drug dealers'

President Donald Trump said on Tuesday that Apple Inc has refused to unlock phones used by criminals, in a tweet a day after Trump's attorney general accused the company of not being helpful in an investigation of a Florida shooting. from Reuters: World News

Japan says Middle East mission in self-interest as crude importer

Japan's Defense Minister Taro Kono on Tuesday defended Tokyo's decision to send forces to the Middle East to help ensure the safety of merchant ships, saying it was in the Japanese people's interest, despite a new poll showing significant opposition to the mission. from Reuters: World News

Canada police unveil reconstructed faces; seek public's help in identifying deceased

Canada's Royal Mounted Police on Tuesday unveiled 15 faces reconstructed from human remains to allow the public to help identify people who have been dead for several decades. from Reuters: World News

Gutfeld on the feud between Bernie and Liz

Gutfeld on the feud between Bernie and Liz At some point, Democrats must realize that America is about unity, not difference. Trump got that. The only way to beat him is for his opponents to do the same.

Gutfeld on the feud between Bernie and Liz

Gutfeld on the feud between Bernie and Liz Elizabeth Warren accuses Bernie Sanders of sexism as Democratic presidential candidates trade jabs ahead of the Iowa Caucuses.

Fred Fleitz: Pensacola shooting – Trump is honest about radical Islam threat, Obama tried to ignore it

Fred Fleitz: Pensacola shooting – Trump is honest about radical Islam threat, Obama tried to ignore it Attorney General Barr’s acknowledgment that the Pensacola shooting was an act of radical Islamist terrorism is another confirmation that President Trump is keeping an important promise to protect the American people..

Jim Daly: Vince Vaughn, thanks for talking with Trump. Ignore the leftist mob and keep showing us civility

Jim Daly: Vince Vaughn, thanks for talking with Trump. Ignore the leftist mob and keep showing us civility There was a time when sports served as a unifying good in our culture but now even conversations in the stands are suspect and highly scrutinized – and criticized.

Tucker Carlson: Democrats are in chaos and Bernie Sanders is their most credible change candidate. Here's why

Tucker Carlson: Democrats are in chaos and Bernie Sanders is their most credible change candidate. Here's why In 2020, Sanders could be Democrats' most formidable challenger.

Ivan Sascha Sheehan: Iran protests, Soleimani killing point to THIS next for the country

Ivan Sascha Sheehan: Iran protests, Soleimani killing point to THIS next for the country There are several key takeaways from the resumption of anti-regime protests by thousands of Iranians in Tehran and other cities in 9 provinces since Saturday:

RNC Chairwoman McDaniel: Democrats debate in Iowa -- Their doom and gloom message can't match Trump's results

RNC Chairwoman McDaniel: Democrats debate in Iowa -- Their doom and gloom message can't match Trump's results The Democrats’ default position to blame President Trump for everything is as disappointing as it is predictable.

Cal Thomas: Yes, Democrats will 'debate' each other. But Trump (and his rivals) should be asked about THIS

Cal Thomas: Yes, Democrats will 'debate' each other. But Trump (and his rivals) should be asked about THIS Politicians, including the president, should be asked serious questions during this year’s election campaign, instead of the media’s fixation on impeachment, polls and the horse race.

Arnon Mishkin: Last Democratic debate before Iowa – Here's the secret calculus candidates are making

Arnon Mishkin: Last Democratic debate before Iowa – Here's the secret calculus candidates are making The one with the most to lose Tuesday is likely Biden. But that’s been the reality of every debate to date. And if things continue that way, it won’t be surprising to find Iowa say, "OK, it’s Joe."

Richard Manning: American workers can look forward to a prosperous decade ahead

Richard Manning: American workers can look forward to a prosperous decade ahead Last year was the best in generations for American workers, but what lies ahead?

I’m Six Weeks Pregnant, and I’m Telling the World


Ukrainian Ambassador Was Under Surveillance, Documents Suggest


Apple Takes a (Cautious) Stand Against Opening a Killer’s iPhones